Lab Glassware Division 中文(Chinese)

The Active Ingredients of Rhubarb

Method: HPLC
Matrix: Chinese medicine
Application No.: 101864
Columns: Platisil ODS 5 μm 150 x 4.6 mm
Cat No.: 99501
Conditions: Mobile Phase: MeOH:0.1% phosphoric acid = 80:20
Flow Rate: 1.0 mL/min
Detection: UV 254 nm
Temperature: 30 ºC
Author: Dikma Technologies Inc.
Keyword: Rhubarb, Aloe emodin, Rhein, Emodin, Chrysophanol, Physcion, HPLC, Platisil ODS

Table: 1. Aloe emodin
2. Rhein
3. Emodin
4. Chrysophanol
5. Physcion